Production and sale of peat and peat products

Manufacturing and sale of peat production equipment

Why choose horticultural peat?

Raw material as a growth medium: suitable for improving the growing substrate of horticultural and ornamental plants and for making soil blends

The most natural growth substrate for plants

No suitable substitute has been found

High organic matter content

Free of weed seeds, nematodes, chemicals and radiation

Specifications of our horticultural peat:

Chemical: pH 3.5-4.5, electrical conductivity (EC) < 0.1 mS/cm
Physical: water absorption 650-850 %, density 170-210 kg/m3, organic content by dry mass > 97 %, moisture 40-60%
Botanical: Humification scale (Von Post) H2-H4, ash content max 5%
Machinery and metalworking
Elva E.P.T. has a long experience in the manufacture of equipment and machinery for peat production. We manufactured our first vacuum harvester in 2001 and today we have supplied more than 100 vacuum harvesters to various peat bogs in Estonia and abroad.

A piece of equipment that is even more sought-after by customers is the double-chamber Big Bale peat baling press, of which we have manufactured more than 20 units. Most of them ship to Europe, but we have also supplied presses to Asia.

Our wide portfolio of metal products includes all the most common equipment and machinery for peat production and processing.

We can also manufacture custom solutions if required.

About us
AS Elva E.P.T. is a company based on Estonian capital, specialising in peat extraction and sale of peat products in Sangla in southern Estonia.

Today, our production area covers more than 600 hectares, from which we ship extracted peat to customers all over the world. Most of the extracted peat is refined and marketed in the form of packaged products.

In addition to peat production, we also manufacture and sell a range of peat production, processing and packaging equipment.

We are a stable employer of 45 people, most of whom work in peat production and packing in Väike-Rakke, while a smaller number are employed in our metal products division in Elva.

Main office

+372 735 6386

Legal address:
Kirde põik 6
61506 Elva
Tartumaa, ESTONIA
Request form


Membership of associations: Estonian Peat Association, Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Membership of associations: Estonian Peat Association, Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.